Best Time to Study
Best Time to Study
The study requires above all persistence and planning.We must study from day one
On the school stage and in most university courses (except for some such as engineering, medicine, architecture, etc.) is sufficient to maintain a pace of daily study of 2/3 hours a day to get well prepared for the exams.The student must set this pace of study , its "cruising speed", allowing you to reach without stress tests last minute.
Study one day and the next two much doing nothing is not a good strategy . It would be comparable to the athlete who trains one day following strong and absolutely nothing; it would not be the most effective way to prepare a competition.
Moreover, the best way to assimilate the subjects is work them continuously.
Useless a great final effort to try to pass an exam when you have not done anything during the course. Hopefully we could get to approve, although chances are you will not. In addition, the level of assimilation of matter would be very low and in a few days would have forgotten.
If you have to perform different tasks it is good to start with one that has a medium difficulty (for warmth), followed by the most difficult (when it pays more) and finish the easy (when you're tired).
By studying it is appropriate to provide regular rest periods . It is a way to clear the mind and taking new strength to go on.
Breaks should be short , about 5 minutes per hour of study. Longer breaks are not needed and also lengthen the time study (effective study + rest).
You should always study during the day , when the mind is clearer.
It is not logical to study at night(unless no choice). The mind pays less , also the day will be one out. It makes no sense to habituate the mind to perform better at night and be relaxed during the day. During exam times would then "force the machine" trying to perform in hours where one usually rests. No athlete trains at night if then will compete during the day.
It 's good habit of study created, made more bearable effort of getting to school.
A study habit is to always study at the same time (for example , from 4.30 pm to 7.30). You have to choose those hours that surrenders more.
For example, avoid it immediately after eating (it is convenient a short rest) or very late (one can be tired).
If one is changing their study can live a little chaos, also unconsciously tend to go delaying the onset which will result in finish later or not study the time.
Is suitable also plan the weekend : on Saturday may be the best day to work, leaving Friday to rest (after a week of study) and Sunday to be more relaxed.
We must avoid what usually very common: getting overwhelmed Sunday night trying to make last minute what has not been done before.
Some tips that can help to better time management
Not delay the start of the study . You have to study from the first day of the course.Daily planning must be complied with rigor : if you set begin studying at 4.30 pm with books should be right at that time and not half an hour later. The sooner you start before it ends.
Anticipate the study . For example, if the teacher sends duties Monday to Thursday is appropriate to try to do the same Monday when the subject is still fresh. Also it allows for some leeway in case there was any doubt to be resolved. Avoids the burdens of breaking, which is precisely when least yields since the nerves block mind.
- Harnessing the dead times : For example, on the bus, in the subway, etc. These moments can be exploited by reviewing the lesson, advancing with homework, etc.
- Set daily goals : It is not every day be a certain number of hours in front of books, but that cundan those hours. This is important to set goals.
- For example, I'll do English homework, I'll review the lesson 3rd story and I'll study a language lesson.
- After the study time to assess the performance obtained : Every day, once you have finished working, make a quick assessment of whether the time has spread and if not try to determine the causes.
- After the study book for some enjoyable activity : For example, once the study is completed to prepare a good snack.
For example, if one day a different plan (broadcast a football game on TV, have a party, etc.) one can take that day off, but should try to recover that time (ideally you have already recovered the day comes previous). These licenses must be punctual in all cases.
The student must ensure that the time spent studying is as profitable as possible.It is not studying many hours, but to maximize study time.
I hope you like this post Best Time to Study . if this post helped you than please kindly share this post with your friends, other students , and whoever need this. And must read our other study tips and hacks to improve your study skill.must check them out!
And as always Never Give Up
....................Best of Luck...................
....................Thank You.................
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