
5 Best ways to study effectively

How to study effectively?

5 Best ways to study effectively

5 Best ways to study effectively

Stop studying what you're doing right, now might be a waste of time read over your notes, review the class material, highlight things repetition repetition repetition these study tactics have been drilled into you for years. but the science is very clear certain study techniques are more beneficial than others so instead of you spending hours and hours trying to search for the right answer. I've done the work for you and in today's post you're going to develop a significant advantage over the rest of your class, your friends and your peers you're going to learn the five best techniques for studying effectively in less time than anyone else now if you want this to sink in and you want to be a master student is while you read.

You're going to take action immediately and this post is the first in a free five part article course on becoming the most remarkable student that you can be a motivation to study and I we want this information to be available to anyone anywhere and no cost. because we believe you shouldn't have to pay for this it should have been taught to you in your school in your lesson and since it wasn't we got you covered. we're giving this all away for free. so just make sure you to share this post and like our page on Facebook. So let's begin.

Did you know there are people out there so good at remembering things that they compete in tournaments of learning and they are known as memory athletes in an annual contest called the world memory championships they were given 20 minutes to remember a list of 72 random words and on average they scored nearly seventy one of the 72 by contrast an untrained control group could only manage 26. another example akira had Iguchi 69 years old much older than most of you listening in 2006 recited a hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred digits of pi from memory a public event near Tokyo for 16 hours. he kept going and going and going imagine the power of having a memory like that and starting today I want you to imagine yourself as one of them.
You're not just a student or a teenager or a grad but you are a memory athlete. you're going to become someone with such power over your mind that you can recall pages of notes equations formulas. that you need without the endless hours of beating information into your head but how do you need an innate gift can you learn it well.
Actually you already have picture where the spoons are kept in your kitchen, the socks in your room, the color of your toothbrush. these memory athletes use an ancient Greek technique called memory palaces and once you master this technique you to are going to dramatically improve your ability to study effectively and finally open up your dormant reserves of memory.
The idea is simple you walk through an environment like your house and you place objects in specific places and then you match the things you want to learn with those objects so when you're trying to remember that information, perhaps the notes you took that day in class you don't just think back to your notes. you think of where those notes are in your house which object did you attach it to what's the color and you reapply this until it becomes crystal clear in your mind. this technique Maps new information onto something that your brain has already evolved to do extremely well we call imagery in specific locations.

The second technique for thousands of years people have known that the best way to understand the concept explain it to someone else the second technique I want to introduce you to is also known as the protege effect aka teach someone what you want to learn a 2007 study looked at this how does teaching someone impact your learning students in this study who were also teachers to younger students they scored higher on tests than pupils who are learning only for their own sake. why well the researchers found when you choose to teach someone else you have to work harder to understand the material to recall it more accurately and apply it more effectively something known as depth of processing.

Physicist Robert Feynman created a mental model called the Fineman technique. now some of you may have already seen videos about this on YouTube this technique has four steps to it number:
  1. write the name of a concept on a top of a blank page that you want to learn.
  2. write down an explanation of the concept, as if you're teaching a new sstudent.
  3. Identify what's missing go back relearn 
  4. Review everything make sure you're avoiding using complicated language and try to simplify everything on the page as much as possible.
Now this technique it forces you to deconstruct and then reconstruct ideas to use this method and learn how to study effectively identify first what you want to learn and then try to imagine you're explaining it to a five-year-old number three master students are committed to effective study strategies. but shipwrecked students are committed to ineffective study strategies. if I asked you right now is reading again and again a good way to learn is highlighting a good way to learn is using keyword monix while all of these they're scientifically proven to be relatively low in effectiveness for long term learning at the other end of the scale things like practice tests spreading out your learning they are scientifically proven to boost your performance.

let's take a look in 2005 a guy called Reagan a augering assessed 229 students using 11 different techniques of studying he then matched their techniques with their final exam scores and many but not all of the techniques they used they did achieve better exam scores for example the number of hours they put in it did help but things like starting studying early or reading material before and after class that didn't seem to be effective. Reagan also found detriments to studying and one of them was listening to music so what did he find that does work well Reagan actually found the technique that strongly predicted your exam score and that was the number of times a student did practice tests. this one thing above all others had a significant impact on how well they did on their final exam he even found that rewriting notes reviewing highlighted material. it didn't really impact the final exam score that much. so like I said master students are committed to effective study strategies but shipwrecked students are committed to ineffective study strategies and if you want to know which type of student you are click here and take the quiz to find out if you're a master adebola or a shipwrecked castaway.

When it comes to your study not all hustle is created equal have you ever heard of number 4 the Zeigarnik effect is a concept in psychology that argues you remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than the ones that you complete why when we start a task and then interrupt it.
It creates a task specific tension that can improve your cognitive function so step away from your desk as you study that tiny little tension that you feel I still need to finish reviewing that chapter I haven't done the next paper yet.
it keeps the task at the top of your mind and this keeps your brain focused on it this way you can easily access that information remember it better so how do you take advantage of this technique you take frequent breaks during your deep work as a gimmick effects suggests the students who take breaks during which they perform totally unrelated activities studying other subjects reading a book going on a 3-minute walk playing the piano they remember material better than the students who go through longer study sessions without taking a break a popular way that I'm sure most of you have heard of is the Pomodoro Technique or you work for 25 minutes you take a five-minute break you work for 25 minutes you take a five-minute break.

The 5th and final tip of this first lesson in our course. cramming is better than not studying in the short term but is seven hours in one day better than one hour every day for a week if you are given the same amount of time for study would you be better off spreading it out and the answer is a resounding yes spaced it out this is known as distributed practice distributing learning over time either in a single study session or across study sessions it benefits long-term retention more than massive cramming and learning back-to-back spaced your study out and how general are the effects how consistent well one group of scientists looked at 254 studies involving over 14,000 people and overall students recalled more after spaced study than after cramming and massed study so look at the end of the day you have to do what works for you having family and friends around replying to your messages on your smartphone missing class having the TV on that's not going to help you. but doing practice tests getting to sleep on time, eating the proper nutrition, exercising, explaining what you've learned to others, using these techniques they are going to help.

So now you know what the techniques are you have to prepare effectively you have to focus on the right things effectively and most of all you have to take action every single day.

I hope you guys like this post. make sure you share this post with others and don't forgot to like our Facebook page and I'll see you in the next lesson of the series. peace you

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