60+ unique study tips, ideas and hacks
“I do a lot of studying during the week. My weekends are mostly for fun and relaxation. But on Sunday night I do a quick review of all my notes from the past week to be ready for Monday morning.”“I find flashcards very helpful for learning new vocabulary. I draw illustrations on them when I can. This makes it more interesting and gives me a deeper understanding of the meanings of the words.”
“The best way to read a textbook assignment is to create a concept map, studying the figures in the textbook and digging deep into important ideas. ”
“making a home-made matching game with vocab cards helped me a lot.”
“Break your daily study hours into 3 different sets of Morning (9:30-12:00), Afternoon(2:00-5:00), and Evening hours (6:00 to 8:00) to make sure you can rest and eat well between each set. Remember that morning hours are always crucial for you to feel more confident about achieving your daily study hours. ”
“Try not to study on your bed. Color code your notes. During class take good notes while the teacher is talking. Study with a friend. Sometimes I wear headphones and listen to music while studying (not too loud). ”
“For vocabulary index cards I highlight the word and definition. This helps me connect the definition and word together if they are the same color.”
“Copy your notes for whatever you will be tested on. This works really for memorizing vocabulary or any processes you need to know.”
“Be respectful and quiet and do not disturb others.”
“I make a study schedule and I stick to it. This way studying becomes a regular part of my life.”
“If you still don't understand your notes, don't be afraid to ask your teacher.”
“I'm a big fan of post-it notes. I use them with my textbook to write questions that I think might be on the next test. When I review for the test, I write out the answers to the questions in my notebook. Many times these questions are on the test so I am ready for them.”
“Go for a bike ride to take a break, and go over what you have learned in your head. ”
“Do not use study snacks if you have a lot to do in a little amount of time. They would be a distraction.”
“Going over a problem or a fact over and over again helps me a lot in finding a solution to the problem or critically understanding the fact. ”
“Try long-term studying. That way, you won't cram up the night before a test. ”
“If you have a big test the next day, go to bed early and wake up earlier then you usually would. That way you would feel alert and and probably do good on the test.”
“My study tip is that you should study at night and then again in the morning. You will remember information better this way. ”
“Having someone to read the notes out loud to help me to remember the information I may need.”
“You should try and get someone to study with. You also need to try and get good at the things that you think are on the test.”
“Go over homework and notes with a friend. Then quiz each other until you get everything right."
“I whisper the words as I study my textbook. This way I both see the words and hear them. This helps my understanding. I've found that whispering works better for me than talking the words out loud.
“What I like to do is make my notes visually appealing, like writing extra information on sticky notes and using different title/subtitle designs as well as gel pens and highlighters. When something is black and white, I can never remember it, but with a little splash of color, well, that's a whole other story!”
“A study tip I frequently use is when I am either studying science or math. I draw certain diagrams and scenarios in the air. It helps when you have to remember some type of picture or diagram.
“After I finish my assignments I always go back and look them over one more time for mistakes. I always find one or two that I correct.”
“The notes I take in class are kind of sloppy. I rewrite them neatly when I study for a test. I also fill in any blanks.”
“write things down when u think of them or take notes. when you write things down multiple times its easier to remember them because it will make u think of them more. ”
“The internet has a variety of resources free of charge, such as Khan Academy and Academic Earth. There are also offline applications that don't cost anything, such as Study Stack and other Flash Card Makers. There are additional references that don't require technology at all, such as library books and Spark Charts. In summary, the key is having access to a variety of study tools just in case technology becomes inoperative.”
“Takes notes, and review what things you do in class.”
“Read over what you are studying at least five times. Then have someone quiz you on the information."
“Like to get comfortable in my bed then pray before I start to study ”
“If you're in a class like English and you have 'study words' take out some note cards and write them down, and if you listen to all your teachers during class you'll get it.😁”
“ I study in places like my barn or stables because they are very quiet and I get to be with my animals. If you have a dog, try to have him with when you study in a quiet place.”
“I have learned the importance of being organized. I keep all my study and reference materials neatly arranged where I study. I found that if I had to look for something too long, I kind of gave up rather than complete the assignment.”
“I find distractions are a killer! Put away your phone/iPad from your study space.”
“While studying a text, it makes information easier to process by highlighting the initial paragraphs of the subject matter. Also, by using the glossary you can identify key words that will lead you to the pages that will pretty much isolate the answer to your questions swiftly, minus the excessive information.”
“Do not have any extra tabs on your device open if using the internet. For example: if you are using YouTube to find videos to help you with the material, it is fine to use; otherwise, videos such as vlogs, music videos, or compilations of some sort will most likely distract you from studying.”
“I read that we remember things that are meaningful to us. So what I do is to make whatever I have to remember important in my own life. For example, when I studied about electricity, I thought about all of the ways we use it at home.”
“If you have a spelling test of some sort, index cards are the best! I have great success on my test by writing the words on cards and then looking at them as often as possible.”
“If you have a certain smell in any room, try and re-create that smell while studying and it will most likely trigger your brain back to that moment and you'll remember more clearly. ”
“Use index cards. Write down the most important information then read it for at least 10 time. You'll surely get it! 😊"
“Take notes. Then create your own study game from the notes and play it with your friends.”
“What I do is when I have a complex math problem I make sure to write down everything so then I can access that information right when I need it. This saves a lot of time when studying for a test.”
“For biology I make a matching game for definitions. If I get one wrong, I have to write it's definition five times. This helps me learn biology terms.”
“I make effective notes while studying. You should also do this. It will help you”
“I turn off all my mobile devices when I start to study. It's tempting, but I say no to friends who want me to go out go with them for some fun. ”
“Study in small amounts as it will allow your brain to understand what you are studying. If you study for 40 minutes and then take maybe a few minutes break, it will allow your brain to remember the topic or equation you were learning.”
“This is not what to do, but what not to do. Don't keep switching around from one assignment to another."
“I review my notes when I get into bed at night. This way my notes are the last thing I think of and the first thing when I wake up.”
“After you have completed a study guide, make a quiz with all of the information. After that there are different options to choose from when quizzing yourself. I find that it helps a lot with memorizing the material.”
“I have a study group in school. During breaks we get into our groups and go over what the teachers have taught us . It really helps all of us. ”
“I like to sit in my bed and get comfortable to focus before going through my notes”
“My study tip is to never talk back to the teacher when you are doing the work, you could get an F on the assignment. My 2nd tip is to listen to the teacher the whole time you have that teacher.”
“I use highlighters to color code things, because certain things are important in different ways.”
“I create a vocabulary word bank as I study. It helps me to quickly find the definitions I need for any test I take.”
“One study tip that I like to use is when you are taking notes, make sure to highlight the important stuff that you think might be on the test. ”
“I use flashcards to remember the definitions of new vocabulary words.”
“Study hard for each quiz, then when the test comes, you don't have to cram. This is an easy way to long-term study."
“chewing gum helps you study effectively, it helps me a lot ”
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And if you also want to share your unique study tips and ideas or any other learning tips than mail me at hyiamhereforyou@gmail.com